In order to refer your patients into the WFI service, as a referrer you must ensure:


  • WFI referral form is completed fully in order for the referral to be accepted for vetting by our clinical team. Clinic letters may be included as an additional attachment to the referral if needed. If clinic letters are submitted without a WFI referral form, these will be automatically returned to the referring clinician, which may result in a delay to your patient(s) accessing the WFI service.


The WFI referral forms can be found below:

IVF Referral Form

IUI Referral Form


Fertility Preservation

For urgent ONCOLOGY referrals only:

For all Andrology referrals, including those for consideration of fertility preservation, the referral form and information can be found under the pages:

Self Funding - Referrals for consideration of self-funding treatment should also be completed via the above process

Enter your information and you'll be taken to a page to ask a few questions to determine your eligibility.